Renaud Dejeneffe represents the alternative wave of modern classicism. Its architecture of a dazzling formal limpidity and great technical complexity with, always, the desire to reveal a certain idea of pure beauty of a volume, of a form.
The fluidity, light, curves and nobility of the materials respond to what he imagines of luxury for a demanding and cultured clientele. This Brussels interior architect is coming from the school that tends to create volumes reduced to their primary function, essential patterns pushed to their extreme simplicity, this allowing the notion of emptiness to highlighted spaces that are not voluble are rigorously asserted and exalt a minimal whiteness to let serenity and calm inhabit them, no detours or embellishments, the soft forms and endless line open up limpid and hypnotic perspectives where one would not expect them. Experiencing his interior, it’s a way of life which resembles no other.
in collaboration with Daniël Devadder